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567.「母が亡くなって2年が経ちました。 写真撮影の後.. 命日に、母がよく連れて行ってくれたここに来ました。母がいなくて寂しい、安らかに眠ってね。It’s been 2 years since my mother passed away. After the photo shoot… on the anniversary of her death. I came here where my mother used to take me.Miss you mother... May you rest in peace.#YOSHIKI 」
271.パリサンジェルマン「A fitting tribute to his iconic work - rest in peace, Akira Toriyama.」
585.麻疹に感染してて人、BUMP OF CHICKENのライブに行ってた
229.228 I know you're a big fan of Zigzag.
235.why English of japanise people is so poor?
258.I really enjoyed because of you. ...Right?Why you're so sweeeet
ギャ叩き 福岡さおり (極東ロマンス)(1797)
938.WW Germany all right let’s do breakfast will be many many country country little states at baked Pizza galaxy one of the strawberry chocolate rentals
960.Oh you’re so Soso student at Alcantara at that Akita cookies Ghana who require a new name AMA need to Keeney Madison Avenue Kagami gotten the ETA in about it I want to Okefenokee Rokkaku Coconino auto Salinas or Mojitos the sooner he told me he told you I got us body no hair no not the enemy karaoke method the Suzuka to order iconoclast Sea Tours Hakata Kubota unit and used to be old scared to Nova Scotia dad has met my dad side like you know Nakata he thought you were a cup of your Lambo know that I care about Samantha Suzuka there all day at Kanaka Rosita’s
963.because Maddox sued 0000 kitty pet so can we get Senia Cooper Society Motus County sky Cooney Casita Loca already got a new customer education Sudo it is kind of goofy I get that you took your side that I know what see you looking at you as I came up with COS anymore you go to educational Ohia Willmore serenity new Arakawa MidCity Hattori Ohana karaoke
52.八代亜紀Rest In Peace
1248.1238米津玄師、米『RIAA Class of 2023』でアメリカの今年を代表するアーティストに選出!日本人アーティスト史上初の快挙
912.Let's raise the corner of the mouth and go!
1030.sousands of response battles are happy?
1033.sousands of nipples
267.天体観測/BUMP OF CHICKEN #なうプレイング
395.3.11 rest in peacehttps://i.imgur.com/o7SjI4c.jpg
1149.REAL/玉置成実 もう君だけを離したりはしない/上木彩矢 King of Amarillo/Issues 裏切る舌/the GazettE touch Me!/倉木麻衣
1186.陰獣/人間椅子眩暈/kagrraカニバル/たまつるつるの壺/INUSource of Light/Arcana
【サキ吉】加工自演魔一生パリピ卍YouTuber【さきちゃ す】7(2002)
865.https://i.imgur.com/GxFroCw.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wPvzofx.jpg 自作かな
1220.https://i.imgur.com/A0REST9.jpg 自分が方向音痴なんじゃないの写真撮ってる角度からここ見てるのバレバレなんだけどw
1317.https://i.imgur.com/Cls989p.jpg https://i.imgur.com/hdVP4qA.jpg https://i.imgur.com/2ferCd5.jpg https://i.imgur.com/XkMOJWb.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Bu1FzOf.jpg ヒマなので自問自答
240.ガゼの曲名忘れたが、楽器隊が一生懸命「ごっつぁんです!!」ってデスボしてて噴いたww 本当はGod of deathだっけ?
434.デイジーのマネキン、kick offがチンコ!ウェーイ!にしか聞こえない
460.バグラグのR.I.Pの「rest in peace」のところが「レッツちんピース」にしか聞こえない
1346.THEATRE OF ENVY/vistlip
1780.今日の日はさようなら ? Tribute to "Sound of Music"/林原めぐみ(綾波レイ+pyontan♪)
1808.Stream Of Consciousness/DREAM THEATER
1962.1950 All of them don't have a great meanin.It 's so-called self-satisfaction.
1972.gonna poo! My poo is so stinky! Let me show u off my poo!!!
2002.poping is really essential for us! The most important issue in our life time! THAT is kind of common sense you know!
862.860 at the ends of the rest period
1539.1522 Case of Massmurder
1932.1926 END OF SORROW
379.let me share Elogantlast words with the rest of you folks Please hear my last words remember remember as I will be gone hope will live on
Mix Speaker's,Inc.(2000)
155.2014年春 TOUR「天国への階段~rest in peace~」これって先行チケないの?
1664.DISC2【Favorite of MSI】ってなってるけどメンバーの好きな曲ってことかな
880.「Rest In Peace」
905.その時笑えていればいい 誰かが泣いてくれればそれでいい この胸に重々しく刻み込むのは 5 4 3 2 1 「Rest In Peace」
915.そうさ、新しい闇夜に 染まり僕の居場所を掴むんだ 絶対この声は消せない 始まりはこれからさ 「Rest In Peace」
1444.咲き乱れよ 若き乙女たちよ 咲き乱れよ 夏のヒマワリ ベイビーベイビー FLOWER OF ROMANCE/カスケードをV系として良いのか微妙だけどカバーもされてたから良いかな。
1729.わかりきった 明日に怯える(Break free!) 火の消えた心の壁 破れずに(Crash you!) お前は求めているんだろ 刺激に抱かれた Making love 身体に布きれ装っても 天国へ行けないぜ Break free! 自惚れたあいつに縛られ (Break free!) 身体を駆けめぐる血が叫ぶ(Crash you!) 吐き出す言葉に爪を研ぐ 鎖に巻かれた Pleasure of mind 乾いた砂漠で踊っても 時の檻 破れないぜ Get to オルガスム Get to オルガスム 身体とかせ (Just Like Death) Get to オルガスム Get to オルガスム 深く突き刺せ
1754.1752 揚げ豆腐はI get ofだったはず 間違ってたらすまんw
1486.ロキノンっていうのはロッキンオンっていう雑誌に載る盤だから馬鹿にするやつ多いよ BUMP OF CHICKENもロキノン系だし 自分は好きだけど
1526.a flood of circle最近好き
1552.SiMだったらSPEEDOFHOPEのアルバムに入ってるの皆好き!でも特にPUNKROCKiZCOMINGが好き。カラオケにKiLLiNG MEあるけど私歌えないから流してるだけw
baroque 万作 行方不明(2001)
1972.why are you all so coldhearted? why are you not interested in the feelings of people? Bansaku is a sensitive man! of course,he also has a dark side. but every human has shadows! and Bansaku is ONLY A HUMAN! you are hurting Bansaku with your lies. please notice!
1986.most of the people here don't even understand a bit of what you're writing, so why write it? it's meaningless
1992.go ahead and write whatever you want on the boards of your own country this is a Japanese board, you shouldn't be here
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