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Let's speak English!

17/19頁 (377件)
302: 2011/01/17 10:07 1
Thanks...you are so kind. Are you also a lonely heart? I have loved a certain person 5 years. Once we mingled with each other...however, he began to love my friend half a year after. I should, but I can't stop loving him...

303: 2011/01/17 15:11 ID:U. 1
Not at all :) Yea being lonely hearted for a while.
So you're in love for 5 years with same guy... You must be very loving and devoted.
Once I've knocked around with a jerk for 6 yrs, my feelings got colder and colder then I finally dumped that heartless.
Let's see what's best for you... 長文ごめんね。

304: 2011/01/18 01:10
Thank you so much. You are so heartwarmed.
I see... You have the similar experience. I guess they are such jerks.
It's natural that your feeling got colder. You judged in the right way, I think.
I am impressed with your kindness. Now my frozen feeling is melting back thanks to you!

305: 2011/01/22 23:07

306: 2011/01/23 05:50
Long time no see buddies!

307: 2011/01/23 05:54
good morning!

308: 2011/01/23 07:24
I am a Pen

309: 2011/01/23 07:26
Morning! It's Sunday.

310: 2011/01/23 09:21 1
I'm studying abroad now, but it's difficult to speak English fluently...

311: 2011/01/23 10:03
hey pplz,how ya doin?
310i agree.i was born overseas but i still aint that fluent lol hope you do well^^

312: 2011/01/23 12:32 1

313:◆311判定:○ 2011/01/23 15:06
Im fully japanese!ww

314: 2011/01/23 15:20
yep, was born overseas ≠ a foreigner.
312once i've misread GAIJINMO as KAMIJO w

315: 2011/01/23 15:21

316: 2011/01/24 02:17 ID:
(´;ω;)English shabere nakute I am sorry.

317: 2011/01/24 02:22
316 wara

318: 2011/01/24 02:40 ID:
mou...already kaso desukane.....

319: 2011/01/24 02:43 1
teka anma juyo- naiw

320: 2011/01/24 07:43 1
Morning NUSHI & everyone!
Let's mattari & mokkori.

321: 2011/01/24 22:52
dont say that:( apologize to nushi><


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Let's speak English!