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1304: 2014/09/22 14:06
ALS causes weakness with a wide range of disabilities (see section titled “What are the symptoms?”). Eventually, all muscles under voluntary control are affected, and individuals lose their strength and the ability to move their arms, legs, and body. When muscles in the diaphragm and chest wall fail, people lose the ability to breathe without ventilatory support. Most people with ALS die from respiratory failure, usually within 3 to 5 years from the onset of symptoms. However, about 10 percent of those with ALS survive for 10 or more years.

1305: 2014/09/22 14:06
The onset of ALS may be so subtle that the symptoms are overlooked. The earliest symptoms may include fasciculations, cramps, tight and stiff muscles (spasticity), muscle weakness affecting an arm or a leg, slurred and nasal speech, or difficulty chewing or swallowing. These general complaints then develop into more obvious weakness or atrophy that may cause a physician to suspect ALS.

1306: 2014/09/22 14:07
Did Ed Sheeran Just Confirm Someone From 1D Snagged His Girl?

1307: 2014/09/22 14:08
Ed has been very polite and British about the story behind the X song to date, refusing to name names and saying that he just wrote it to make peace with the situation, which he did with such cutting lines as, “I never intended to be next/ But you didn’t need to take him to bed that’s all/ And I never saw him as a threat/ Until you disappeared with him to have sex of course/ It’s not like we were both on tour/ We were staying on the same f?ing hotel floor.”

1308: 2014/09/22 14:08
On Monday (September 8), during an appearance on Howard Stern’s satellite radio show, Sheeran played a few songs (“Thinking Out Loud” and a killer cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “Atlantic City”), chatted about how he (kind of) introduced Snow Patrol guitarist and mate Johnny McDaid to Courteney Cox, and, oh yeah, he almost revealed who the bro code-breaker was.

1309: 2014/09/22 14:08
“I didn’t really come out of that situation upset,” Ed said. “I was just pissed off. I just thought it was a bit disrespectful.” He wasn’t in love with the woman, he said, but it was definitely a blow to his ego. “I got over it as soon as the song was done and the song happened pretty soon after,” Sheeran explained, noting that he did confront the guy afterwards and informed him of his bro code breach. “It’s a difficult conversation to have… He was my mate, so I was just a bit like, ‘um not cool, but…’”

1310: 2014/09/22 14:10
Organizing for Action is the grassroots movement fighting for the agenda Americans voted for in 2012. We are millions of people, empowering individuals to make their voices heard. LEARN MORE ?

1311: 2014/09/22 14:13
“You cannot grow this economy from the top down. You grow this economy from the middle class out. We’re not going to go back to what we were doing before. We’re moving forward.”

1312: 2014/09/22 14:20
Could it really be true? Of the many projects Quentin Tarantino ?keeps up in the air, the one that excites and frustrates fans in equal measure is "Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair." As the title suggests, it's a longer cut of the director's two-part martial arts/vengeance epic, the most notable inclusion being a 30 minute anime sequence. Way, way back in 2011, 'The Whole Bloody Affair' screened at the New Beverly... and that was the last anyone heard about it.

1313: 2014/09/22 14:20
Could it really be true? Of the many projects Quentin Tarantino keeps up in the air, the one that excites and frustrates fans in equal measure is "Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair." As the title suggests, it's a longer cut of the director's two-part martial arts/vengeance epic, the most notable inclusion being a 30 minute anime sequence. Way, way back in 2011, 'The Whole Bloody Affair' screened at the New Beverly... and that was the last anyone heard about it.

1314: 2014/09/22 15:20
Motor neurons are nerve cells located in the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord that serve as controlling units and vital communication links between the nervous system and the voluntary muscles of the body. Messages from motor neurons in the brain (called upper motor neurons) are transmitted to motor neurons in the spinal cord (called lower motor neurons) and from them to particular muscles. In ALS, both the upper motor neurons and the lower motor neurons degenerate or die, and stop sending messages to muscles. Unable to function, the muscles gradually weaken, waste away (atrophy), and have very fine twitches (called fasciculations).

1315: 2014/09/22 17:14

1316: 2014/09/22 17:58

1317: 2014/09/23 16:27

1318: 2014/09/23 21:45

1319: 2014/09/23 21:49
Die heutige deutscheNationalhymne, von der ? wenn ?berhaupt ? nur noch die dritte Strophe gesungen wird, war urspr?nglich ein Ausdruck deutscher Sehnsucht nach Freiheit vor allem aber nach staatlicher EinigkeitDie Zeile ?Deutschland, Deutschland ?ber alles“ steht nicht, wie sp?ter vielfach und absichtsvoll mi?verstanden, f?r nationale ?bertrumpfung anderer L?nder, sondern f?r das Empfinden, da? es das wichtigste sei, bevor politische Freiheit ?berhaupt errungen werden k?nne, aus der Kleinstaaterei des Deutschen Bundes ein einiges Vaterland werden zu lassen. Das Scheitern der b?rgerlichen Revolution von 1848 an f?rstlichem Gr??enwahn und regionalistischem Eigensinn sollte dem Lied in tragischer Weise Recht geben. Auch die Passage ?von der Maas bis an die Memel, von der Etsch bis an den Belt“ war keine Aufforderung zu kriegerischer Eroberung, sondern schlichte Realit?t: Soweit reichten 1841 die deutschen L?nder, zu denen auch ?sterreich damals noch z?hlte. Um in Erinnerung zu bringen,

1320: 2014/09/23 21:52
Erik Prince said in front of the conservative group Maverick PAC that his infamous private military firm - synonymous with the contracting bonanza that ensued after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 - would have effectively fought Islamic State (known as ISIS or ISIL), allowing the US to hold back its military in its offensive against the group’s strongholds in Iraq and Syria.

1321: 2014/09/23 21:53
Сегодня исполняется 114 лет со дня рождения выдающегося русского языковеда Сергея Ивановича Ожегова (1900?1964). Обычно фамилии ученых-лингвистов хорошо известны только их коллегам и мало что говорят людям, далеким от науки о языке. Но Сергея Ивановича знают все ? конечно же, как автора знаменитого однотомного толкового словаря русского языка, который, наверное, есть в каждой семье.

1322: 2014/09/23 21:54
Однако мало кто знает, что С. И. Ожегов (кстати, ударение в его фамилии ? на первом о) ? основатель первой в нашей стране общедоступной справочной службы русского языка, которая продолжает действовать в Институте русского языка РАН и по сей день. Сергею Ивановичу поступали многочисленные письма от читателей его словаря и просто любителей русского языка. Многие вопросы, заданные в этих письмах, актуальны и сегодня (их продолжают задавать в том числе и ?Справочному бюро? нашего портала).

1323: 2014/09/23 21:55
Первое слово в названии поста пишется с прописной буквы: Великий пост, Петров пост, Успенский пост, Рождественский (Филиппов) пост.
Слово ?Неделя? в значении ?воскресенье? пишется с прописной буквы (во множественном числе тоже ? чтобы отличить от седмиц): Неделя о мытаре и фарисее, Неделя о слепом, Неделя о самаряныне.
Слово ?седмица? всегда пишется со строчной буквы. В названиях седмиц только слова ?Страстная?, ?Светлая? и ?Троицкая? пишутся с прописной буквы: седмица Страстная, седмица Светлая, седмица Пасхальная, седмица Троицкая, седмица


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