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54/101頁 (2003件)
1045: 2016/03/20 02:17
I assume that their cruelty derives from their aggressive nature. They are also very competitive and once you are known as a loser you are nobody in their country. Look at Ronald Trump lol He represents every downside of Americans and he is winning steadily.

1046: 2016/03/20 14:23
He isn't winning, though. He has only 40% of 48% of 26% of the American population. That is less that 12%.

1047: 2016/03/20 14:30 1
I think the problem here is that you may not understand American politics. To break it up, split the country into groups. Out of 100% of people, only 26% vote. Out of that, only 48% are republicans, and only 40% of those are for trump. That gives you less that 6% of the population that can stomach him. And most of those people are over 50. Do you agree with the elderly people in Japan and their opinions? Because most younger people think Trump is insane.

1048: 2016/03/20 16:53
When I lived in Aus, many Aussie asked me why Japanese people love US?

1049: 2016/03/20 18:22 1
if they learn japanese history of postwar era, they would get to know why.

1050: 2016/03/20 20:04
Now I see. Thank you for explaining. I'm relieved now. Ya I even heard that younger generations of US are saying they are going to quit being Americans if Trump wins lol

1051: 2016/03/20 20:18
I guess Americans still stand as a symbol of civilization to some of us. Everything from US still looks fancy to them... This is just embarrassing.

1052: 2016/03/20 20:20 2
すいません質問です、てめえ金玉付いてんのかよ!!の英訳はdo you have a おちんちん?で合ってますか?

1053: 2016/03/20 20:21
Minna ga nani hanasiterunoka wakaranai.

1054: 2016/03/20 20:39
Sick my dick

1055: 2016/03/20 21:31
Do you have fackin dick?

1056: 2016/03/21 05:11
I'm so sorry...

1057: 2016/03/21 05:35
Don't break my heart

1058: 2016/03/21 05:39

1059: 2016/03/21 05:39
I can't wake up cuz so sleepy.zzzz

1060: 2016/03/21 05:41 2
i can't sleep...

1061: 2016/03/21 05:44
like srsly?

1062: 2016/03/21 05:56
Today is my vacation

1063: 2016/03/21 09:24 1
Fuck texting. I want you here!

1064: 2016/03/21 09:37
Yeah me too I don't like texting


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