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40/101頁 (2003件)
776: 2015/12/28 10:57
today morning banana unko

777: 2015/12/28 10:59
eigo yonenai watashiga torimasuyotto

778: 2015/12/28 11:14
You are contradicting yourself. If you are an atheist yourself, why did you participate in the very Christian event? Christmas is very much based on the Christianity and that is a fact. Not an opinion of mine. Sarcasm? If you call that as a sarcasm you don't even know the meaning of sarcasm lol Please do understand that sarcasm does not have to include the use of a word such as "ass" or "fuck". Seriously, educate yourself.

779: 2015/12/28 11:16
If you are replying to my comment, you are "samefagging" too.

780: 2015/12/28 11:25
Oh btw, I am not a Christian ether. But I do know as a knowledge that what you have said earlier will offend many people. Not just Christians.

781: 2015/12/28 11:38
ne mu tai wa

782: 2015/12/28 11:41
Lmao what the fuck is going on in here

783: 2015/12/28 11:43 1
One more thing, information on Wikipedia are easily edited by anonymous people via the Internet. So if you are writing up some report for your course or writing up something formal, don't rely on them fully. And this is the example of "sarcasm" if you can understand lol

784: 2015/12/28 12:01
kuso mens fuck fuck fuck

785: 2015/12/28 12:05
Masao is cute

786: 2015/12/28 13:47 2
You aren't very intelligent. There is less than 1% population in Japan who are Christian, and Christmas is actually a pagan holiday that was taken by Christians as a way to make Christianity the dominant religion.

787: 2015/12/28 13:49
And you are samefagging because you are pretending to reply as different people, moron. You also don't understand the meaning of sarcasm, because tonal sarcasm is evident in the original post. Did you even graduate from high school?

788: 2015/12/28 14:42 1
I have never said or declared that I am an intelligent person. However, I have questioned your intelligence due to your offensive use of language and the truculent attitude. That's all. And I am very sorry to say this to you but I have undertaken the tertiary education. I have a bachelor degree. So answer to your question is yes and I even went university after graduating a high school. And I am not trying to reply as a different person.

789: 2015/12/28 14:47

790: 2015/12/28 14:48
The fuck is this

791: 2015/12/28 14:52 1

Look who had to use a thesaurus. Don't abuse what you clearly do not understand, because your lack of proper English grammar proves that point. Use of vernacular English does not make you stupid, but abusing vocabulary to make yourself seem intelligent does... Especially when you make grammatical mistakes. Tl;dr: you sound like an asshole with bad grammar.

792: 2015/12/28 14:57 1
What is Japanese Xmas?My foreigner friend told me wanna spend time on Xmas in JP next year. I think not special just have sex day and have party weeeeiiiii at club

793: 2015/12/28 14:58 1
I am a pen

794: 2015/12/28 15:00
No, no. THIS IS A PEN!!!!

795: 2015/12/28 15:08
I should do my homework…but
I don't do my homework.


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