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44/101頁 (2003件)
851:◆850判定:○ 2016/02/11 01:19
Now I made the stupid grammer mistake becuz I'm little tipsy but who gives a shit? I have a lot of friends from Singerpore and they do make grammar mistakes too but they don't frown upon each mistakes they encounter . このスレ正直糞みたいな外人バンギャを助長して無駄だと思う

852: 2016/02/11 01:29 1
i get your point eh
language is just one of the tools to communicate with people so it doesn't matter if your English is "perfect" or not right?
I don't think being able to speak in English is considered superior or anything (y)

853: 2016/02/11 01:42
THANK U! So much for getting my point ! I appreciate your support cuz so many people r misunderstanding how fucking important it is to speak or write "Good, perfect English" where there is no need 4 it. U r not at the business conference, or at the exam, I always wonder why there is a need for it... What da fuck? U don need perfect English 4 general conversation.

854: 2016/02/11 02:25 1

855: 2016/02/11 08:06
nantonaku english wo hanasu sure nanoni minna sugoi ne!

856: 2016/02/11 08:07

857: 2016/02/11 08:07 1

858: 2016/02/11 10:42
Eigo de kakouyo kakerunara… watashi romaji shika muri…

859: 2016/02/13 00:51
I am a native English speaker, and I am sorry that asshole spoke to you that way. Learning Japanese and teaching Japanese makes me appreciate how hard you are trying. No one should make fun of anyone for trying to learn English. This shit is hard, and I want to thank you for using English. It doesn't need to be perfect, and not even native speakers are perfect. <3

860: 2016/02/13 00:55
Learning Japanese and teaching English* my bad lol

861: 2016/02/13 08:25
859 l cant agree you anymore

862: 2016/02/16 20:59
say darling again

863: 2016/02/18 23:46

864: 2016/02/19 01:16

865: 2016/02/19 01:19

866: 2016/02/24 12:04
I miss you too. I wanna see you again soon

867: 2016/02/24 12:19
Well, I miss you too! <3 but really, you will see them again!

868: 2016/02/24 12:25 1
English is difficult. I have learned English since about 10 years ago. But, my English skills is not progress...

869: 2016/02/24 18:01 1
oh…Your English is so terrible.

870: 2016/02/25 01:13
good for you


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