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621.yeule - Don't Be So Hard On Your Own Beauty
745.743終わっちゃんちゃん Your war. アソビタイ病 推し推し推し事 キュートアディクション 人生カワタニエン
1031.All Your dreaaaamAll Your dreaaaamくぅらやぁみぃぃの なかのAll Your dream
1406.言われたい言葉[ank:1d:I'm telling you softly whisper,stay with me,your beautiful,you're the only one]
1407.言われたい言葉[ank:1d:I'm telling you softly whisper,stay with me,your beautiful,you're the only one]
31.30I understand. I pray 4 your peace of mind.
34.I'm yours, you're mine, secrets of the world
831.果てしなく続く 地獄の階段業火に妬かれた your heart,my heart祭壇の神秘 滴る紅 ペンタクルの嘆き美しきVenus Target For ME!!!!今、呼び起こせ!目覚めよ我らの主鋭利な瞳で喰らい尽くせ怖くはないと 轟けサタニScream今こそ立ち上がれ 勝利の為に(Woooooo!!!!Yeah!!!!!!)
920.果てしなく続く 地獄の階段業火に妬かれた your heart,my heart祭壇の神秘 滴る紅 ペンタクルの嘆き美しきVenus Target For ME!!!!今、呼び起こせ!目覚めよ我らの主鋭利な瞳で喰らい尽くせ怖くはないと 轟けサタニScream今こそ立ち上がれ 勝利の為に(Woooooo!!!!Yeah!!!!!!)
1171.tourists「Please Stop Joking! Why are you wearing pantyhose over your face?」反日朝鮮パヨク爺「?」tourists「Speak in basic English! And you stink!」反日朝鮮パヨク爺「へ?」
900.Drive at your brain ジキルさんの前盤のチェキお譲りします
992.ビージーズの"How Deep Is Your Love"パクった
1838.1832Drive at your brainSHIBUYA SIXXジキル
352.☁️🌸⭐️🦋☁️🌸⭐️🦋☁️🌸⭐️🦋☁️ 🌸 good things are coming your way 🌸 ⭐️ good things are coming your way ⭐️ 🦋 good things are coming your way 🦋 ☁️ good things are coming your way ☁️ 🌸 good things are coming your way 🌸☁️🌸⭐️🦋☁️🌸⭐️🦋☁️🌸⭐️🦋☁️
229.競技場はOn Your Markしかよく聞こえないがデフォ
239.229それさえも静かにしないと聞こえないよOn Your Markの時は客は静まり返らないといけないの暗黙の了解だし
1648.1644Thank you for your advice.I'll do as you say.
270.ドルトムント「Thank you for everything, Akira Toriyama.Your legacy lives on 🖤💛🐉」
483.afrikanska m?n tr? tjejer i j?nk?ping joomla did you know that your internet explorer is out of , victoria bc l?tar om att vara , hitta i dig sj?lv tr? svenskar i new york. Thail?ndska kvinnor i sverige s?ker m?n klubbar , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaASfiOFq94 garcinia cambogia , kpl, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPGq4gi4P0Y garcinia cambogia, 408342,
202.199 Your English is terrible
221.What's your plan for today?
227.Who's your favorite band?
1809.Anpanman! Here is your new face!
1508.Beginning and end of time if I could be in your world At the end of time if I could be in your world Beginning and end of time if I could be in your world At the end of time if I could be in your world At the end of time if I could be in your world At the end of time if I could be in your world
1221.1215 I simply feel sorry for you that you've never met decent foreigners. (I'm being sarcastic for your racist comments FYI.)
1700.You don’t do it on Tanuki you idiot, go do it on your Twitter
1701.1700 Shut up and mind your business, bitch
1328.1320What is the purpose for your telephone?だって
13.INORAN「Your Light is Blinding」Nirvana「In Bloom」
725.もし君が立ち止まり うつむく日があったらすぐ傍で雨が上がるまで傘をさそうyour side/SOPHIA①7年前シングルになると誓った時②城ホで付き合うことになった元彼と別れた時SOPHIAがそばにいてくれる気がして、歯食いしばって今日まできた😊🌻#このタグを見た人は好きな歌の歌詞をつぶやく
739.728そうそうでも皮曰く「本人の撥音的に『in your side×2』が有力」らしい
Drive at your Brain(561)
1.Drive at your BrainVo.Jekyll@Jekyll_DAYBGt.可憐@Karen_DAYBBa.りーも@reamo_424Dr.愁@syu_DAYB
113.Drive at your Brainって盤名、意味何?
486.ジキルと可憐はDrive at your Brainって言うV系バンドを趣味でやりながら本業はSHIBUYA SIXXって言う歌って踊れるメンズアイドルグループで活動してるよ☆アイドルグループはメインで活動してるからスケージュール満タンだよ☆メンバー全員カッコいいし是非観にきてね☆
1862.Teach me your World
1664.① اذا كان صاحبك عسل فلا تلحسه كلهアラビア語表現「イザ・カン・サヒブカ・アーサル・ファラ・タルハスフ・クラーフ(甘い友達があれば、全てを舐めないでください)英語翻訳: If your friend is honey, don't lick him all日本語での近いことわざ「親しき仲にも礼儀あり」
1137.大谷翔平、英文でも報告 お相手は「very special to me(とても特別な人)」◆英文での報告全文To all my friends and fans throughout, I have an announcement to make :Not only have I began a new chapter in my career with the Dodgers but I also have began a new life with someone from my Native country of Japan who is very special to me and I wanted everyone to know I am now married.I am excited for what is come and thank you for your support.
ギャ叩き 福岡さおり (極東ロマンス)(1797)
960.Oh you’re so Soso student at Alcantara at that Akita cookies Ghana who require a new name AMA need to Keeney Madison Avenue Kagami gotten the ETA in about it I want to Okefenokee Rokkaku Coconino auto Salinas or Mojitos the sooner he told me he told you I got us body no hair no not the enemy karaoke method the Suzuka to order iconoclast Sea Tours Hakata Kubota unit and used to be old scared to Nova Scotia dad has met my dad side like you know Nakata he thought you were a cup of your Lambo know that I care about Samantha Suzuka there all day at Kanaka Rosita’s
963.because Maddox sued 0000 kitty pet so can we get Senia Cooper Society Motus County sky Cooney Casita Loca already got a new customer education Sudo it is kind of goofy I get that you took your side that I know what see you looking at you as I came up with COS anymore you go to educational Ohia Willmore serenity new Arakawa MidCity Hattori Ohana karaoke
1060.What’s up Cuzzo the air working at Mitsu cricket BB telegram ?uma SASE Skida MIGA Kingdom animal menu or medication or can we add today you lucky you’re one exit king you’re a hoe your a quarter sack you are a kettle corn Oregon Ms. got to take us all I could not sit in the key I got tested because the last quarter backwards so still no battery status no who am I with soap I could use my sink Democrats that sounds you had a job he popped up popped up you but I thought it was a quack yeah
74.FAFO TV's 2023 Year-End Compilation!A massive shoutout to our awesome FAFO fam—thanks to your epic support, we've hit multiple milestones (1.4M+) Special thanks to those who fcked around, Looking forward to seeing a lot more of you find out next year.
1388.Hey hey yo yo I don't like your girlfriend
【無題】-真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ 317(2002)
740.739恋愛の歌詞じゃないと思うよ Why don’t you love yourself?だし
774.771別だけどそう?「選ばなかった道の先で笑ってるよ」「Why don’t you love your dream?」とか思い切りそれぽいけど、、
1950.Drive at your brain ジキルさんの前盤のチェキお譲りします
388.お譲りします【公演】GERTENA Presents Nao生誕主催「Keep faith in yourself」【日時】11/2【会場】巣鴨獅子王【出演】GERTENA/Kakeru JAPAN/鮮血A子ちゃん/野良。【枚数】1枚【整番】10番台前半【値段】相談【取引】郵送希望額と共にご連絡ください
526.お譲りします【公演】優 presents「spドラマーセッション祭 vol.7」【日時】11/15【会場】巣鴨獅子王【出演】優セッション Vo:Nao(Hueye)Gt:まじかる☆ひもり(Jin-machine) Gt:SOU(LIBRAVEL) Ba:YG(exジャックケイパー) key:桜紅 Dr:優(VAMPIRE ROSE etc.サポート)、Seiraセッション Vo:RYUMA(PINGAME,BRUXIZM)Gt:よっぴ(HOWL) Ba:ゆうと(HOWL) Dr:Seira(ex.AURORIZE)、SESSION NIGHT CELEBRATION Vo:Jekyll (ex.Drive at your Brain) Gt:Rune Ba:KOHEI Dr:春埼【枚数】1枚【整番】1桁前半【値段】相談【取引】相談希望額と支払日明記の上ご連絡ください
873.お譲りします【公演】優 presents「spドラマーセッション祭 vol.7」【日時】11/15【会場】巣鴨獅子王【出演】優セッション Vo:Nao(Hueye)Gt:まじかる☆ひもり(Jin-machine) Gt:SOU(LIBRAVEL) Ba:YG(exジャックケイパー) key:桜紅 Dr:優(VAMPIRE ROSE etc.サポート)、Seiraセッション Vo:RYUMA(PINGAME,BRUXIZM)Gt:よっぴ(HOWL) Ba:ゆうと(HOWL) Dr:Seira(ex.AURORIZE)、SESSION NIGHT CELEBRATION Vo:Jekyll (ex.Drive at your Brain) Gt:Rune Ba:KOHEI Dr:春埼【枚数】1枚【整番】1桁前半【値段】相談【取引】相談希望額と支払日明記の上ご連絡ください
1835.If you don't want to come, you don't have to come, just don't post your embarrassing shit behind my back and stay out of my business.
1961.just don't post your embarrassing shit behind my back and stay out of my business.
【関西】THE DESPERADO【新盤】(868)
703.694マジだよだから海外リスナーとコミュニケーションとれてないし変な空気になる最終的にwhat is your favorite song the DESPERADO!とか言い出してその話ばかりデスペラで好きな曲はなんですか?っていつもインライで聞くからつまらん視聴者数20もいかないよ
1058.1:00~<2024年 踊り初め!ノンストップダンスメドレー>ENHYPEN「Sweet Venom」THE RAMPAGE「100degrees」Travis Japan「LEVEL UP」乃木坂46「Monopoly」三浦大知「能動」WEST.「FICTION」AKB48「アイドルなんかじゃなかったら」キタニタツヤ「青のすみか」JO1「Trigger」GENERATIONS「Diamonds」SUPER BEAVER「グラデーション」Da-iCE「Kartell」DA PUMP「Use Your Body」西川貴教「FREEDOM」milet「Anytime Anywhere」yama「slash」
965.but in your eyes yousay you have to goyou're crying tears that onlyI can see don't let it go don't let the light goThe future is never perfectit's always harder than it seemsthere's no one to prove to uswhat's wrong or rightwe need to find the answer for tomorrowin the end we know with every obstaclewe grow a little wiserand we rise up stronger yetour moment to shineis sure to comeAs long as the flowers in this roomcontinue to stay in bloom for youtogether we'll write a better story's end
966.I promised you I'd never let you goI promised you I'd always stay with youif you're by my side,I’d be the breath in you but deep insideI'm scared to let you goI don't know how to make it on my ownI want you to knowI want you to know nowPray, forever and alwaysStay, forever and alwaysyou, such a beautiful memorywill remain alive in this momentLife,even if it should leave youLove, will never be brokenAs gently as the final petal fallsYou close your eyes asif you're in a sleepit's then that I knowThe crossing is here
984.The believe yourself.I there is always tomorrow.
【今年もフェス盤】-真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ 293(2002)
1870.☆浴室と矛盾とハンマー☆蝶々☆胃潰瘍とルソーの錯覚☆血液がない!☆Your Song☆バケモノ☆オレンジの詩
780.774chance to pay for your twinkle stars
1854.open your mind水の戸を開いて
491.Why do you all care so much about your fans? Focus on the band and the members, not the fans. Please listen carefully to the performance and enjoy watching only the members. The members are sad
【アク禁あり】−真天地開闢集団−ジグザグ 01(2001)
649.You must pay with your own money to the fans who booked non refundable flights from all over the world to attend the show.
X JAPANのベーシストHEATHさん(57)、がんで急逝(2002)
46.XJAPANがアルバム出してないけどYOSHIKIが作ってアルバムにまだ入ってない曲リストIVBTBFANGELラビーナススカーレットラブソングJADEwithout youROSAI'll be your loveレッドクリスマスMiracleアニバーサリーレッドスワンジパング 等
48.46I'll be your loveレッドクリスマスMiracleアニバーサリーこれはXJAPANの曲じゃない。XJAPAN以外も入れるならタイトルついてるだけで30曲以上ある
1535.1533色んなゲストとトークして曲やるスタイルを8組くらいと、日本のファンとのネット中継する感じ。世代的にI'll be your loveが鳥肌モノだったよ
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