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1544.お譲りします。【公演】ダレ本格始動主催【日時】6/28【会場】池袋EDGE【出演】NAMELESS/ダレ/OLD CIRCUS/RAN/進撃のあわけ/LAY ABOUT WORLD【枚数】1枚【整番】1桁【値段】相談【取引】相談金額を明記の上ご連絡ください。
1545.お譲りします。【公演】ダレ本格始動主催【日時】6/28【会場】池袋EDGE【出演】NAMELESS/ダレ/OLD CIRCUS/RAN/進撃のあわけ/LAY ABOUT WORLD【枚数】1枚【整番】1桁前半【値段】相談【取引】相談金額を明記の上ご連絡ください。
1747.【公演】cultivate common values#24【日時】6/20【会場】池袋EDGE【出演】LAY ABOUT WORLD / NAZARE / MiMi / のろゐみこ / 進撃のあわけ / DAMNED / VAMPIRE ROSE【枚数】1枚【整番】20番台【値段】定価以下【取引】相談
487.LAY ABOUT WORLD 全メンバーのチェキを定価以下でお譲り致します。コメント入りもあります
1058.LAY ABOUT WORLD イザナさん
1.【DROWN】LAY ABOUT WORLD【DEEPLY】52018.05.25始動 『LAY ABOUT WORLD』 Vocal.狂太郎 @LAW_KYO Guitar.イザナ @LAW_Izana Bass.真悠 @LAW_mayu lay-about-world.jp 前スレhttp://v.2ch2.net/test/read.cgi/visualtanuki/1623775110/i
ヴァージュ 32(1958)
715.LAY ABOUT WORLD通える方@アラサーギャ
837.832私は黒樹が嫌でabout tess行かなくなったよ
895.about tessも落ちぶれたね
882.1/26(水)先着LAY ABOUT WORLD 12ヶ月連続下北沢無料ワンマン  『下北沢ショウケースVol.1』shimokitazawa ERA(東京都)START:18:30~(OPEN:18:00~)受付中
916.2022/7/25(月) 先着LAY ABOUT WORLD 12ヶ月連続下北沢無料ワンマン 『下北沢ショウケースVol.7』shimokitazawa ERASTART:18:30~(OPEN:18:00~)
933.2022/10/18(火)先着LAY ABOUT WORLD 12ヶ月連続下北沢無料ワンマン 『下北沢ショウケースVol.10』 shimokitazawa ERA(東京都)開演:18:30~(開場:18:00~)受付中
76.ザアザアシェルミィキズLAY ABOUT WORLD解散済で似たようなのあれば教えて欲しいです
ギャ叩き 福岡さおり (極東ロマンス)(1798)
936.Ankit support pride not talk about sucking about it about the bottle rocket regular meds but I probably can’t fucking broke a breakfast bowl just in a bind there’s no point in Jacksonville boy hello hello this is my pet it was worth a big brother to her bag
953.Auto body can do a two week camp area behind us I was saw it again but since addicted to obtain sad I thought it did it did you take Athena Debbie who make me a Coke it’s good date on the live account gets more equal Selah come out at nomad commando get attic that you know yet at Sueoka Crockett and Talley eye Marine taking her I said a resource to get more tomatoes today about a secular know I’m gonna go cook bake it at Japanese hip-hop is a new Kia Reno basil but the bank care less at all can go to McDonald’s and with a sample to the kangaroo educated I had a good July with moist it’s a boondoggle edamame or stay moist the Sam’s brand gonna care
960.Oh you’re so Soso student at Alcantara at that Akita cookies Ghana who require a new name AMA need to Keeney Madison Avenue Kagami gotten the ETA in about it I want to Okefenokee Rokkaku Coconino auto Salinas or Mojitos the sooner he told me he told you I got us body no hair no not the enemy karaoke method the Suzuka to order iconoclast Sea Tours Hakata Kubota unit and used to be old scared to Nova Scotia dad has met my dad side like you know Nakata he thought you were a cup of your Lambo know that I care about Samantha Suzuka there all day at Kanaka Rosita’s
47.Yes,me too.I wanna talk with you all about funny-sirius..etc..everything of life. I only to say about the problem,I have prepared for a long time. If I could met you,I would like to tell you .
1702.'A PLA officer training manual titled “Japanese Air Self-Defense Force” minced no words about how Beijing understands Taiwan’s strategic value to Japan. It stated:"As soon as Taiwan is reunified with Mainland China, Japan’s maritime lines of communication will fall completely within the striking ranges of China’s fighters and bombers… Japan’s economic activity and war-making potential will be basically destroyed… blockades can cause sea shipments to decrease and can even create a famine within the Japanese islands."'
【スーパーギタリスト】MEJIBRAY ミア12【うぃっしゃー】(2000)
651.563SSS VARIE 櫂 S デルヒLeda、LAY ABOUT WORLD Takuya、雅、シャムDAITA A ねこまんかずき、NoGoDのKyrie、DOFyuya、ジュピターTERU、HIZAKI、exオペラAnzi B Blu-BiLLioN宗弥、ギルドひれ、シドしんぢ、ナイトメア咲人、JILUKAセナ、Dルイザ、DHIDE-ZOU C メジブレイMiA、アルルカン奈緒、デクスhaku、ダダロマたかし、イニエルさとし D アンフィルゆきと、ガゼ麗、キズれいき、ガチャ純 E コドモゆめ、BugLug優、BugLug一樹、Royz杙凪、ガゼ葵、DOG準々 F ディルDIE G メア柩 H ディル薫 J カリガリ桜井青 K アルルカンくると L RAZOR こうりゅう パフォーマー 澤
148.147 Right. I think so too. China should think more deeply about what to do in this serious situation. I hope Mr Trump deal with well.
193.What are you talking about? It has to be simpler.
237.235 It's not that bad compared to many other countries I've visited. But Japanese people definitely complain about English much, much more than others. And that needs to stop because no one wants to talk to someone who is always crying about how bad their English is or how English is difficult.
1215.I never heard good thing say about foreign girl by Japanese man lol. Also foreign man do not say good thing about foreign girl. Only bad small and so ugly.
1480.アリアスターのThe Strange Thing About Johnsons見た人いる?
118.過去のdfer企画でDJクロキが出てるイベント全部にヒロシのいるabout tess出演してるんだね
360.昨日はluinとabout tess目当てだね
840.洒落dewey deltaabout tessピノキヲ推し()と共演(☝ ˘ω˘)☝ふぅー!
1501.Shohei Ohtani’s offseason was so eventful that he got married, signed a $700 million contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, and adopted a puppy. He could’ve done without the added drama of Ippei Mizuhara, his longtime interpreter and confidant, using $4.5 million of his money to pay off illegal sports gambling debts.What we know about the situation is that $4.5 million in wire transfers was sent to Mathew Bowyer, who is under federal investigation for allegedly running an illegal bookmaking operation, to cover Mizuhara’s debts. The Dodgers fired Mizuhara on Wednesday.
369.みちゃき LAY ABOUT WORLD まだサポやってる?
1670.お譲りします【公演】Batalla feroz 高田馬場編【日時】2/12【会場】高田馬場CLUB PHASE【出演】ジグソウ / ミスイ / LAY ABOUT WORLD【枚数】1枚【整番】1桁【値段】相談【取引】郵送金額を明記してご連絡ください
1671.お譲りします【公演】Batalla feroz 高田馬場編【日時】2/12【会場】高田馬場CLUB PHASE【出演】ジグソウ / ミスイ / LAY ABOUT WORLD【枚数】1枚【整番】不明(確定5秒)【値段】無償【取引】発券番号希望者多い場合条件良い方優先
1677.再掲お譲りします【公演】Batalla feroz 高田馬場編【日時】2/12【会場】高田馬場CLUB PHASE【出演】ジグソウ / ミスイ / LAY ABOUT WORLD【枚数】1枚【整番】不明(確定5秒)【値段】無償【取引】発券番号希望者多い場合条件良い方優先
530.about tessってこんな企画に出るようなバンドなの?
565.about tess拓人さんも手刀店員だしみわなズブズブなんよ
569.dfer企画にabout tess出てるの違和感だったけどそういうことか
656.U.S. Is Watching North Korea for Signs of Lethal Military Action A shift by Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader, toward open hostility against South Korea is alarming but does not indicate he is about to start a full-scale war, officials say.
1747.On the evening of August 4, 1962, American actress Marilyn Monroe passed away at age 36 of a barbiturate overdose inside her home. Her death was officially ruled a probable suicide by the Los Angeles County coroner's office, based on information about her overdosing and being prone to mood swings and suicidal ideation. No evidence of foul play was found, and accidental overdose was ruled out because of the large amount of barbiturates she had ingested.
1758.In 2022, Djokovic refused to get vaccinated, which resulted in him missing the 2022 Australian Open and the U.S. Open.When asked if he regretted his decision, Djokovic said:"I have no regrets. I've learned through life that regrets only hold you back and basically make you live in the past.""I don't want to do that. I also don't want to live too much in the future. I want to be as much as in the present moment but of course think about future, create a better future."
478.477about tess。ステージ上のメンバーからは見えてなかっただろうし、オフィシャルのメールに送ってみようかな
1433.1432デジとabout tessぐらいかな?
1435.1433デジもabout tessも最近行ってないと思う
1149.1148 すまない。ついでにかっこいいバンド見つけたから紹介しとくね http://twitter.com/super_loopers http://about.me/superloopers
106.LAY ABOUT WORLD - 6ヶ月連続無料ONEMAN『レッドライン』 詳細は公式サイトへ
58.●LAY ABOUT WORLD●12ヶ月連続無料ワンマン2021/9/25(土)開演:10:00~ (開場 09:30~)渋谷チェルシーホテル (東京都)先着一般発売受付期間:2021/7/18(日)10:00~2021/9/24(金)18:00スマチケ手数料0円受付前
83.LAY ABOUT WORLD 12ヶ月連続下北沢無料ワンマン shimokitazawa ERA ライブ・コンサート情報『下北沢ショウケースVol.1』2022年1月26日(水)
491.Why do you all care so much about your fans? Focus on the band and the members, not the fans. Please listen carefully to the performance and enjoy watching only the members. The members are sad
762.【公演】SPEEDDISK PRESENTS~Hysteric Media Zone 【日時】10/25【会場】池袋EDGE【出演】LAY ABOUT WORLD / アカナルα / ソラナキ / 吐き溜め / ヒッチコック / マッドナイト【枚数】1枚【整番】不明【値段】無償【取引】発券番号譲渡
1412.They weren’t prepared to play a half empty room and I checked on Hyde room for tickets and I could see it was very empty. The way Hyde lied I feel beyond angry and crying now. I’ve lost so much money and these rich stars here don’t care about people like me. Harsh lesson for us
麺、スタ感染者 2022年冬〜(55)
23.LAY ABOUT WORLD イザナ 発表はなし
X JAPANのベーシストHEATHさん(57)、がんで急逝(2002)
947.YOSHIKI「I am still at a loss for words at this heartbreaking news. I am confused as to whether I should be writing this message as YOSHIKI or as the leader of X JAPAN.I received the news about HEATH’s passing right after a performance and event in New York. I flew immediately to Tokyo to say farewell to him.」
1446.なんかもう泣きそう何度も言うけど、紅に染まるぐらい、血の滲むような努力はしたよ今からステージ頑張る叫ぶように🌹The show is about to startI feel like I'm about to cry!I said many times, I worked as hard as I couldI'll do my best on stage,SCREAM!
278.Crazy about むしほ😘
1300.personal announcement ? He dose not hove it. sorry about that.
1353.UFO sightings: how NASA can bring science to the debateAn astrophysicist who advised the agency talks to Nature about ways to bring rigour to reports of ‘unidentified anomalous phenomena’.
371.お譲りします【公演】社長生誕祭[1部]『女の子って本当に楽しい!キャンメイクブラホ!』【日時】6/8【会場】池袋BlackHole【出演】ヒッチコック/LAY ABOUT WORLD【枚数】1枚【整番】1桁【値段】相談【取引】相談
381.お譲りします【公演】社長生誕祭[1部]『女の子って本当に楽しい!キャンメイクブラホ!』【日時】6/8【会場】池袋BlackHole【出演】ヒッチコック/LAY ABOUT WORLD【枚数】1枚【整番】1桁前半【値段】相談【取引】振込後郵送ご希望金額と振込日をご記載の上ご連絡下さい
776.774I'm running out of time to spend with my mother, and I'm about to go crazy.
786.784I'm running out of time to spend with my mother, and I'm about to go crazy.
1092.Recently, there are a lot of noises about voice chat.
1128.Hi! BBA domo! Today I wanna taking about Gifu. First of all, Gifu is extremely inaka.
353.Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at root@localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log鯖落ちてる?
928.The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.Please contact the server administrator at root@localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
【下北沢に】KYOKUTO ROMANCE/極東ロマンス15【向かって】(2000)
1238.LAY ABOUT WORLDギャが「極東ロマンスギャの三原麻衣子」に詐欺されたとtwitterで情報募集。振り込んだ後に次長課長の画像送られてきたらしい。「三原麻衣子」がマイコかは不明だが、「愛知」の「まいこ」なので、マイコ説濃厚
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